Cara Cara CRUD Application with PHP PDO and MySQL

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In this tutorial we’ll be creating a complete Create, Read, Update, and Delete application with PHP, PDO, and MySQL. We’ll be creating the app completely from scratch, no additional frameworks required.

A CRUD app is often used in conjunction with a database, interacting with records in a table. We’ll be using MySQL as our database management system in our app.

We’ll create a database with a contacts table, we’ll be able to manipulate these contacts in our CRUD app, the contacts table will contain names, emails, phone numbers, etc.

The Basic and Advanced packages include additional features and a download link to the source code.

1. Getting Started

Before we jump into programming our CRUD app we need to install our web server and set-up our app.

1.1. What You Will Learn in this Tutorial

  • Create MySQL Records — Insert new records into the Contacts table.
  • Read MySQL Records — Reading MySQL records and display them in an HTML table.
  • Update MySQL Records — Update existing MySQL records in the Contacts table.
  • Delete MySQL Records — Confirm and delete records from the Contacts table.
  • GET and POST Requests — Send data to our app from an HTML form and URL parameters.
  • Prepared Statements — Secure our SQL statements with prepared statements.

1.2. Requirements

  • Web Server — I recommend you download and install XAMPP on your local computer system, this server package includes MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, and the PDO extension.
  • PHP — I recommend you use the latest version of PHP, but older versions should work just fine (skip if you installed XAMPP).
  • PDO Extension — Should be enabled by default if you’re using XAMPP, but if it’s not you’ll need to enable/install it.

1.3. File Structure & Setup

Navigate to C:\xampp\htdocs (XAMPP) and create the below directories and files.

File Structure

\– phpcrud
    |– index.php
    |– create.php
    |– read.php
    |– update.php
    |– delete.php
    |– functions.php
    |– style.css

What each file will contain:

  • index.php — Home page for our CRUD app.
  • create.php — Create new records with an HTML form and send data to the server with a POST request.
  • read.php — Display records from our database table and navigate with pagination.
  • update.php — Update existing records with an HTML form and send data to the server with a POST request.
  • delete.php — Confirm and delete records by ID (GET request to get the ID).
  • functions.php — Basic templating functions and MySQL connection function (so we don’t have to repeat code in every file).
  • style.css — The stylesheet for our app, this will change the appearance of our app.

2. Creating the Database and setting-up Tables

The MySQL database we’ll use to store contacts and retrieve them with PHP. If you’re using XAMPP follow the below instructions.

  • Navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • Click Databases at the top
  • Under Create database input phpcrud and select utf8_general_ci as the collation
  • Click Create
  • Select the newly created database
  • Click the SQL tab and execute the below SQL:
  	`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  	`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  	`phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  	`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO `contacts` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `title`, `created`) VALUES
(1, 'John Doe', '', '2026550143', 'Lawyer', '2019-05-08 17:32:00'),
(2, 'David Deacon', '', '2025550121', 'Employee', '2019-05-08 17:28:44'),
(3, 'Sam White', '', '2004550121', 'Employee', '2019-05-08 17:29:27'),
(4, 'Colin Chaplin', '', '2022550178', 'Supervisor', '2019-05-08 17:29:27'),
(5, 'Ricky Waltz', '', '7862342390', '', '2019-05-09 19:16:00'),
(6, 'Arnold Hall', '', '5089573579', 'Manager', '2019-05-09 19:17:00'),
(7, 'Toni Adams', '', '2603668738', '', '2019-05-09 19:19:00'),
(8, 'Donald Perry', '', '7019007916', 'Employee', '2019-05-09 19:20:00'),
(9, 'Joe McKinney', '', '6153353674', 'Employee', '2019-05-09 19:20:00'),
(10, 'Angela Horst', '', '3094234980', 'Assistant', '2019-05-09 19:21:00'),
(11, 'James Jameson', '', '4002349823', 'Assistant', '2019-05-09 19:32:00'),
(12, 'Daniel Deacon', '', '5003423549', 'Manager', '2019-05-09 19:33:00');

The above SQL will create the table: contacts, we’ll be using this table in our app, included in the SQL is sample data, this data will be used for testing purposes to make sure everything is working as it should, you can delete it later on.

There are 6 columns in the contacts table (id, name, email, phone, title, and created), the title column is basically the role of each contact, you can change this to anything you want, the sample data will use work roles as an example.

In phpMyAdmin, the database should look like the following:

3. Creating the Stylesheet (CSS3)

The stylesheet will change the appearance of our app, edit the style.css file and add the following code:

* {
  	box-sizing: border-box;
  	font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "segoe ui", roboto, oxygen, ubuntu, cantarell, "fira sans", "droid sans", "helvetica neue", Arial, sans-serif;
  	font-size: 16px;
  	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  	-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
body {
  	background-color: #FFFFFF;
  	margin: 0;
.navtop {
  	background-color: #3f69a8;
  	height: 60px;
  	width: 100%;
  	border: 0;
.navtop div {
  	display: flex;
  	margin: 0 auto;
  	width: 1000px;
  	height: 100%;
.navtop div h1, .navtop div a {
  	display: inline-flex;
  	align-items: center;
.navtop div h1 {
  	flex: 1;
  	font-size: 24px;
  	padding: 0;
  	margin: 0;
  	color: #ecf0f6;
  	font-weight: normal;
.navtop div a {
  	padding: 0 20px;
  	text-decoration: none;
  	color: #c5d2e5;
  	font-weight: bold;
.navtop div a i {
  	padding: 2px 8px 0 0;
.navtop div a:hover {
  	color: #ecf0f6;
.content {
  	width: 1000px;
  	margin: 0 auto;
.content h2 {
  	margin: 0;
  	padding: 25px 0;
  	font-size: 22px;
  	border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;
  	color: #666666;
.read .create-contact {
  	display: inline-block;
  	text-decoration: none;
  	background-color: #38b673;
  	font-weight: bold;
  	font-size: 14px;
  	color: #FFFFFF;
  	padding: 10px 15px;
  	margin: 15px 0;
.read .create-contact:hover {
  	background-color: #32a367;
.read .pagination {
  	display: flex;
  	justify-content: flex-end;
.read .pagination a {
  	display: inline-block;
  	text-decoration: none;
  	background-color: #a5a7a9;
  	font-weight: bold;
  	color: #FFFFFF;
  	padding: 5px 10px;
  	margin: 15px 0 15px 5px;
.read .pagination a:hover {
  	background-color: #999b9d;
.read table {
  	width: 100%;
  	padding-top: 30px;
  	border-collapse: collapse;
.read table thead {
  	background-color: #ebeef1;
  	border-bottom: 1px solid #d3dae0;
.read table thead td {
  	padding: 10px;
  	font-weight: bold;
  	color: #767779;
  	font-size: 14px;
.read table tbody tr {
  	border-bottom: 1px solid #d3dae0;
.read table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
  	background-color: #fbfcfc;
.read table tbody tr:hover {
  	background-color: #376ab7;
.read table tbody tr:hover td {
  	color: #FFFFFF;
.read table tbody tr:hover td:nth-child(1) {
  	color: #FFFFFF;
.read table tbody tr td {
  	padding: 10px;
.read table tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {
  	color: #a5a7a9;
.read table tbody tr td.actions {
  	padding: 8px;
  	text-align: right;
.read table tbody tr td.actions .edit, .read table tbody tr td.actions .trash {
  	display: inline-flex;
  	text-align: right;
  	text-decoration: none;
  	color: #FFFFFF;
  	padding: 10px 12px;
.read table tbody tr td.actions .trash {
  	background-color: #b73737;
.read table tbody tr td.actions .trash:hover {
  	background-color: #a33131;
.read table tbody tr td.actions .edit {
  	background-color: #37afb7;
.read table tbody tr td.actions .edit:hover {
  	background-color: #319ca3;
.update form {
  	padding: 15px 0;
  	display: flex;
  	flex-flow: wrap;
.update form label {
  	display: inline-flex;
  	width: 400px;
  	padding: 10px 0;
  	margin-right: 25px;
.update form input {
  	padding: 10px;
  	width: 400px;
  	margin-right: 25px;
  	margin-bottom: 15px;
  	border: 1px solid #cccccc;
.update form input[type="submit"] {
  	display: block;
  	background-color: #38b673;
  	border: 0;
  	font-weight: bold;
  	font-size: 14px;
  	color: #FFFFFF;
  	cursor: pointer;
  	width: 200px;
	margin-top: 15px;
.update form input[type="submit"]:hover {
  	background-color: #32a367;
.delete .yesno {
  	display: flex;
.delete .yesno a {
  	display: inline-block;
  	text-decoration: none;
  	background-color: #38b673;
  	font-weight: bold;
  	color: #FFFFFF;
  	padding: 10px 15px;
  	margin: 15px 10px 15px 0;
.delete .yesno a:hover {
  	background-color: #32a367;

Feel free to change the style, this is what I’ve put together to make the CRUD app more appealing.

4. Creating the CRUD App

We can finally start to code the CRUD app with PHP. Before we get started, make sure you followed the previous steps and have the MySQL database ready.

4.1. Creating the Functions

This file will contain functions that we can execute in all our PHP files, this is so we don’t have to write the same code in every PHP file, shorter the code, the better, right? We’ll create 3 functions, 1 function will connect to the database, the other 2 will be the templates for the header and footer that will appear on every page we create and will contain the HTML layout.

Edit the functions.php file and add the following code:

function template_footer() {
echo <<


Make sure to change the MySQL connection details to your details, we’re using PDO to connect to MySQL, PDO will make it easier for us to interact with our MySQL database.

4.2. Creating the Home Page

When you navigate to http://localhost/phpcrud/ it will serve the index.php file, this page will be our home page.

Edit the index.php file and add the following code:


Welcome to the home page!

This will create a basic home page, we can use this page to navigate to the other pages. As you can see we include the functions.php file and execute the template functions that we created, remember that these functions will add the header and footer code to our home page.

Now if we navigate to http://localhost/phpcrud/ we’ll see the following:


That’s basically it for the home page, feel free to add your own content, this page is just so we can navigate to the other pages.

4.3. Creating the Read Page

This page will populate records from our contacts table in an HTML table.

Edit the read.php file and add the following code:

Once again we include the functions file, but this time we connect to our MySQL database by executing the function: pdo_connect_mysql, if the connection is successful we can use the $pdo variable to execute queries.

We also create 2 more variables, the $page variable will determine the page that the user is currently on, the $records_per_page will be used to limit the number of records to display on each page, for example, if we limit the number of records to 5 and we have 10 records in our contacts table, then there will only be 2 pages and 5 records on each page, the user will be able to navigate between pages.

Add the following code to the read.php file:

// Prepare the SQL statement and get records from our contacts table, LIMIT will determine the page
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM contacts ORDER BY id LIMIT :current_page, :record_per_page');
$stmt->bindValue(':current_page', ($page-1)*$records_per_page, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':record_per_page', $records_per_page, PDO::PARAM_INT);
// Fetch the records so we can display them in our template.
$contacts = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

The above code will select records from the contacts table, this will be determined by the current page the user is on, the records will be ordered by the id column, we can easily change the order by column if we wanted to, for example, if we change it to created then it will sort the records by the create date instead.

We’re also using a prepared statement for the above query, this will make sure our query is secure (escapes user input data).

Add the following code to the read.php file:

// Get the total number of contacts, this is so we can determine whether there should be a next and previous button
$num_contacts = $pdo->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts')->fetchColumn();

The above SQL query will get the total number of records in the contacts table, we don’t need to use a prepared statement here because the query doesn’t include user input variables.

Add the following code to the read.php file:

Read Contacts

Create Contact
# Name Email Phone Title Created

This is the template for the read page, the code iterates the contacts and adds them to the HTML table, we’ll be able to read the records in a table format when we navigate to the read page.

Pagination is added so we can navigate between pages on the read page (page 1, page 2, etc).

For the icons we’re using Font Awesome, make sure that it’s included in the header template function or the icons will not appear.

And now if we navigate to http://localhost/phpcrud/read.php we’ll see the following:


So now we know how to display records from our MySQL database, take note that the buttons that appear in the table (create, edit, and delete) will not work, that’s because we haven’t created those pages yet.

You can also click the Contacts link in the header bar, this will navigate to the read page.

4.4. Creating the Create Page

The create page will be used to create new records and insert them into our Contacts table.

Edit the create.php file and add:

prepare('INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
    $stmt->execute([$id, $name, $email, $phone, $title, $created]);
    // Output message
    $msg = 'Created Successfully!';

The above code will check if the POST array (form data) is not empty, if it’s not then it basically means the user has filled out the form and clicked the submit button, this will then insert a new record into our Contacts table.

Add after:

This is the template for our create page, as you can see we have created a form and named each input field accordingly, the name of the input field is how we’ll get the POST variable in our PHP code, for example, if we name an input field “zip_code”, we can get the value of that input field with $_POST[‘zip_code’] in PHP (assuming that the form’s method is set to post).

And now if we navigate to http://localhost/phpcrud/create.php or click the Create button on the read page we’ll see the following:


The update page will be used to update records in our Contacts table, this page is similar to the create page but instead of inserting a new record we’ll be updating existing records. We’ll be able to get the record ID with a GET request.

Edit the update.php file and add:

prepare('UPDATE contacts SET id = ?, name = ?, email = ?, phone = ?, title = ?, created = ? WHERE id = ?');
        $stmt->execute([$id, $name, $email, $phone, $title, $created, $_GET['id']]);
        $msg = 'Updated Successfully!';
    // Get the contact from the contacts table
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = ?');
    $contact = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (!$contact) {
        exit('Contact doesn\'t exist with that ID!');
} else {
    exit('No ID specified!');

The above code will check for the contact ID, the ID will be a parameter in the URL, for example, http://localhost/phpcrud/update.php?id=1 will get the contact with the ID of 1, and then we can handle the request with the GET method and execute a MySQL query that will get the contact by ID.

Add after:

This is the template for the update page, the input values are already specified with the contact columns, the MySQL query we created previously will get those values.

On the read page (Contacts), we should be able to click the update icon next to a record and update it, we should see something like this:


4.6. Creating the Delete Page

The delete page will be used to delete records from the Contacts table. Before a user can delete a record they will need to confirm it, this will prevent accidental deletion.

Edit the delete.php file and add:

prepare('SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = ?');
    $contact = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (!$contact) {
        exit('Contact doesn\'t exist with that ID!');
    // Make sure the user confirms beore deletion
    if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) {
        if ($_GET['confirm'] == 'yes') {
            // User clicked the "Yes" button, delete record
            $stmt = $pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM contacts WHERE id = ?');
            $msg = 'You have deleted the contact!';
        } else {
            // User clicked the "No" button, redirect them back to the read page
            header('Location: read.php');
} else {
    exit('No ID specified!');

To delete a record the code will check if the GET request variable “id” exists, if it does then check if the record exists in the Contacts table and confirm the user if they would like to delete the contact or not, a simple GET request will determine which button the user clicked (Yes or No).

Add after:

Delete Contact #

Are you sure you want to delete contact #?

The above code is the template for the delete page, this includes the Yes and No buttons (delete confirmation) and the output message. The Yes and No buttons will create a new GET request that will confirm the user’s choice.

On the read page (Contacts) click the delete button on one of the records, you should see something like the following:



Congratulations! You have successfully created a CRUD app with PHP & MySQL, what next? Consider adding your own columns to the Contacts table and to the code.

If you enjoyed this tutorial don’t forget to share using the social links below and check out our many more tutorials on our website.

Enjoy coding!

If you would like to support us consider purchasing a package below, this will greatly help us create more tutorials and keep our server up and running.

Sortable table columns feature

Free support (bugs and minor issues)

* Payments are processed with PayPal/Stripe.
* Both packages include the tutorial source code.
* Advanced package also includes the basic package.